Hey Manager, you need vacations… too!

Cynthia Sanchez
2 min readAug 1, 2017

I do remember the time when managers, or bosses, used to never take vacations because they needed to be at the office to be able to help (or control) their employees.

Well…the problem is, some companies still have such practices, or such managers.

It is time for you, dear manager, to start looking after yourself, let your employees help each other while you are not around. They will survive.

Let’s stop by and think:

  1. Managers have great responsibilities. They have to manage people, manage products, manage agendas, and/or some more stuff inside the company. This inevitably adds some level of stress to their lives. Some managers even have a phone always with them that may receive calls any time during the 24 hours of the day.
  2. Managers need a fresh mind every day to be able to think creatively how to solve an issue. This doesn’t only apply to product managers or project managers. People managers also need to be able and put aside differences to think clearly when there is a problem with or between employees.
  3. Managers, specially people manager, need to have a very good emotional control when uncomfortable situations arise. They are still humans, and the emotions controlled during that moment will inevitably come to the surface once many of them are accumulated.
  4. Managers tend to think they are the only ones that can do their task right. And, they are right, mostly when they continue thinking that way and they dont share what they do with a deputy that will help them out when they are not around, to take over the situation avoiding a pause of the progress. This, only makes it more and more complicated for the person to hand over any job, and again, thinking you are the only one able to do the job will only add more weigh on your shoulders to carry.

Those are just some of the most common examples of situations Managers don’t manage well. And, those are the reason why a Manager should have vacations, even more than a normal employee sometimes.

Not because they are better than the rest they deserve more, but because the people working with them need the Managers to be in optimal mental state to perform good at their job.



Cynthia Sanchez

Product Owner and technical lead at SUSE. A passionate entrepreneur and creative looking for ways to improve individuals life.